10 August 2007

Les proximes dos selmanes ,,,

Dende esti domingu voy tar n'america ,, en concreto en St Louis las proximes dos selmanes. Poques ganes que tengo. La verda ye que deberia ser un poco emocionante porque ye la primer vez que voy a USA pero toy fartucu, vacaciones onde querais ,,, pero pa trabayar prestame mas bien poco ademas viaxar con la brigada de atorrantes del mi equipu ye lo que menos me apetez .. en fin.

Dieronme el pase a la segunda entrevista (tuvi esta selmana nuna primera entrevista pa la empresa X) ... emocion intriga , dolor de barriga .. la verda ye que el puestu parez estresante y por consiguiente nun les tengo toes conmigu de si lo debeo aceptar si saliere pero por un cambiu parezme necesariu ( toy hasta los huevos ) and as they say a change is as good as a rest. Cai-yos en gracia que ye incluso meyor que ser graciosu , tengo la otra entrevista el dia 28 en volviendo de america , que vida ,, vuelvo el sabadu pela manana y el miercoles marcho pa suiza ( y suiza con tolos sos defectos gustame , un sitiu muy recomendable collacios ) conclusion toy hasta los c***nes.

En fin ya val de protestar :)


Anonymous said...

Not that I know anything about St Louis, although my brother studied there for a few years. But even if they encourage you to take a ride in the arch, say NO! People got stuck there a few days ago because of a mechanical glitch. We don't want any Asturians hanging upside down on the arch--although Vicente Alvarez Areces upside on that arch with all his rotundity would be a joy to watch. In that case, I really could care less about its structural soundness.

ayalgueru said...

I could not agree more ,,,

in any case lose no sleep on the issue ... the arch looks really naff so no way am I getting anywhere near it ,,, are people really meant to have a ride on that thing ?

Anonymous said...

You can ride up the arch in a 5-person tram on the north + south legs. But I wouldn't recommend it because it'll be like riding the Coney Island roller-coaster, built in the 1920s. But because you're a 'chalgueiru' (ayalgueru) and an innate pioneer, you may be curious...here is the arch web site:

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